Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hallowboo at Idlewild

We had a great time at Hallowboo at Idlewild on Sunday. Maxwell was so excited that he got to go with a bunch of his friends.

We went with the Valentinos and our neighbors, the Franzens. The 6 boys had a blast going trick or treating in Story Book Forest, riding rides and running at lightning speeds through hay bale maze.

Maxwell wore his pirate costume that he wore last year. This year I had to let dow the hem in the pants that I had taped up last year.

The weather was beautiful. A little too hot for me, as I was hoping for a cool, crisp, fall day. Maxwell was so tired he fell asleep on the way home and slept until the next morning.

We felt so lucky that he had such a good day and that he was able to spend it with his friends having such a good time.

I hope he will remember all of these wonderful moments when he is older.

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