Monday, February 16, 2009

Heart Shaped Pizza

I had told Maxwell that daddy had made me a heart shaped pizza when we were dating.

Maxwell got excited and wanted daddy to help him make his own heart shaped pizza a few days before Valentine's day.

Here are some pictures of the making of the heart shaped pizza...

Maxwell wanted to make a face on the pizza. We used pretzel mix to do that.

More Pets...

We decided to let Maxwell get one Guinea Pig.

Then we read that they should have a friend and you should never just have ONE Guinea Pig. So, now we have TWO Guinea pigs.

Their names are Brownie and Cupcake. Cupcake is very fat. We are hoping she is not pregnant . All she wants to do is eat.

Hermit Crabs

Maxwell now has 5 hermit crabs.

He gets them out of their cage and builds houses for them and plays with them for hours at at time.

We still have one that we got at the beach last summer. The other ones are from the local pet shop. We had one die last week. I hope the others last for a awhile